Source code for cadquery.sketch

from typing import (
    cast as tcast,
from typing_extensions import Literal
from math import tan, sin, cos, pi, radians, remainder
from itertools import product, chain
from multimethod import multimethod
from typish import instance_of, get_type

from .hull import find_hull
from .selectors import StringSyntaxSelector, Selector
from .types import Real

from .occ_impl.shapes import Shape, Face, Edge, Wire, Compound, Vertex, edgesToWires
from .occ_impl.geom import Location, Vector
from .occ_impl.importers.dxf import _importDXF
from .occ_impl.sketch_solver import (

Modes = Literal["a", "s", "i", "c"]  # add, subtract, intersect, construct
Point = Union[Vector, Tuple[Real, Real]]
TOL = 1e-6

T = TypeVar("T", bound="Sketch")
SketchVal = Union[Shape, Location]

class Constraint(object):

    tags: Tuple[str, ...]
    args: Tuple[Edge, ...]
    kind: ConstraintKind
    param: Any

    def __init__(
        tags: Tuple[str, ...],
        args: Tuple[Edge, ...],
        kind: ConstraintKind,
        param: Any = None,

        # validate based on the solver provided spec
        if kind not in ConstraintInvariants:
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown constraint {kind}.")

        arity, types, param_type, converter = ConstraintInvariants[kind]

        if arity != len(tags):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid number of entities for constraint {kind}. Provided {len(tags)}, required {arity}."

        if any(e.geomType() not in types for e in args):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unsupported geometry types {[e.geomType() for e in args]} for constraint {kind}."

        if not instance_of(param, param_type):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unsupported argument types {get_type(param)}, required {param_type}."

        # if all is fine store everything and possibly convert the params
        self.tags = tags
        self.args = args
        self.kind = kind
        self.param = tcast(Any, converter)(param) if converter else param

[docs]class Sketch(object): """ 2D sketch. Supports faces, edges and edges with constraints based construction. """ parent: Any locs: List[Location] _faces: Compound _wires: List[Wire] _edges: List[Edge] _selection: List[SketchVal] _constraints: List[Constraint] _tags: Dict[str, Sequence[SketchVal]] _solve_status: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
[docs] def __init__(self: T, parent: Any = None, locs: Iterable[Location] = (Location(),)): """ Construct an empty sketch. """ self.parent = parent self.locs = list(locs) self._faces = Compound.makeCompound(()) self._wires = [] self._edges = [] self._selection = [] self._constraints = [] self._tags = {} self._solve_status = None
[docs] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Face]: """ Iterate over faces-locations combinations. """ return iter(f for l in self.locs for f in self._faces.moved(l).Faces())
def _tag(self: T, val: Sequence[Union[Shape, Location]], tag: str): self._tags[tag] = val # face construction
[docs] def face( self: T, b: Union[Wire, Iterable[Edge], Compound, T], angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ignore_selection: bool = False, ) -> T: """ Construct a face from a wire or edges. """ res: Union[Face, Sketch, Compound] if isinstance(b, Wire): res = Face.makeFromWires(b) elif isinstance(b, (Sketch, Compound)): res = b elif isinstance(b, Iterable) and not isinstance(b, Shape): wires = edgesToWires(tcast(Iterable[Edge], b)) res = Face.makeFromWires(*(wires[0], wires[1:])) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported argument {b}") if angle != 0: res = res.moved(Location(Vector(), Vector(0, 0, 1), angle)) return self.each(lambda l: res.moved(l), mode, tag, ignore_selection)
[docs] def importDXF( self: T, filename: str, tol: float = 1e-6, exclude: List[str] = [], include: List[str] = [], angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Import a DXF file and construct face(s) """ res = Compound.makeCompound(_importDXF(filename, tol, exclude, include)) return self.face(res, angle, mode, tag)
[docs] def rect( self: T, w: Real, h: Real, angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Construct a rectangular face. """ res = Face.makePlane(h, w).rotate(Vector(), Vector(0, 0, 1), angle) return self.each(lambda l: res.located(l), mode, tag)
[docs] def circle(self: T, r: Real, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None) -> T: """ Construct a circular face. """ res = Face.makeFromWires(Wire.makeCircle(r, Vector(), Vector(0, 0, 1))) return self.each(lambda l: res.located(l), mode, tag)
[docs] def ellipse( self: T, a1: Real, a2: Real, angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Construct an elliptical face. """ res = Face.makeFromWires( Wire.makeEllipse( a1, a2, Vector(), Vector(0, 0, 1), Vector(1, 0, 0), rotation_angle=angle ) ) return self.each(lambda l: res.located(l), mode, tag)
[docs] def trapezoid( self: T, w: Real, h: Real, a1: Real, a2: Optional[float] = None, angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Construct a trapezoidal face. """ v1 = Vector(-w / 2, -h / 2) v2 = Vector(w / 2, -h / 2) v3 = Vector(-w / 2 + h / tan(radians(a1)), h / 2) v4 = Vector(w / 2 - h / tan(radians(a2) if a2 else radians(a1)), h / 2) return self.polygon((v1, v2, v4, v3, v1), angle, mode, tag)
[docs] def slot( self: T, w: Real, h: Real, angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Construct a slot-shaped face. """ p1 = Vector(-w / 2, h / 2) p2 = Vector(w / 2, h / 2) p3 = Vector(-w / 2, -h / 2) p4 = Vector(w / 2, -h / 2) p5 = Vector(-w / 2 - h / 2, 0) p6 = Vector(w / 2 + h / 2, 0) e1 = Edge.makeLine(p1, p2) e2 = Edge.makeThreePointArc(p2, p6, p4) e3 = Edge.makeLine(p4, p3) e4 = Edge.makeThreePointArc(p3, p5, p1) wire = Wire.assembleEdges((e1, e2, e3, e4)) return self.face(wire, angle, mode, tag)
[docs] def regularPolygon( self: T, r: Real, n: int, angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Construct a regular polygonal face. """ pts = [ Vector(r * sin(i * 2 * pi / n), r * cos(i * 2 * pi / n)) for i in range(n + 1) ] return self.polygon(pts, angle, mode, tag)
[docs] def polygon( self: T, pts: Iterable[Point], angle: Real = 0, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Construct a polygonal face. """ w = Wire.makePolygon( (p if isinstance(p, Vector) else Vector(*p) for p in pts), False, True ) return self.face(w, angle, mode, tag)
# distribute locations
[docs] def rarray(self: T, xs: Real, ys: Real, nx: int, ny: int) -> T: """ Generate a rectangular array of locations. """ if nx < 1 or ny < 1: raise ValueError(f"At least 1 elements required, requested {nx}, {ny}") locs = [] offset = Vector((nx - 1) * xs, (ny - 1) * ys) * 0.5 for i, j in product(range(nx), range(ny)): locs.append(Location(Vector(i * xs, j * ys) - offset)) if self._selection: selection: Sequence[Union[Shape, Location, Vector]] = self._selection else: selection = [Vector()] return self.push( (l * el if isinstance(el, Location) else l * Location(el.Center())) for l in locs for el in selection )
[docs] def parray(self: T, r: Real, a1: Real, da: Real, n: int, rotate: bool = True) -> T: """ Generate a polar array of locations. """ if n < 1: raise ValueError(f"At least 1 element required, requested {n}") locs = [] if abs(remainder(da, 360)) < TOL: angle = da / n else: angle = da / (n - 1) if n > 1 else a1 for i in range(0, n): phi = a1 + (angle * i) x = r * cos(radians(phi)) y = r * sin(radians(phi)) loc = Location(Vector(x, y)) locs.append(loc) if self._selection: selection: Sequence[Union[Shape, Location, Vector]] = self._selection else: selection = [Vector()] return self.push( ( l * el * Location( Vector(0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 1), (a1 + (angle * i)) if rotate else 0 ) ) for i, l in enumerate(locs) for el in [ el if isinstance(el, Location) else Location(el.Center()) for el in selection ] )
[docs] def distribute( self: T, n: int, start: Real = 0, stop: Real = 1, rotate: bool = True ) -> T: """ Distribute locations along selected edges or wires. """ if n < 1: raise ValueError(f"At least 1 element required, requested {n}") if not self._selection: raise ValueError("Nothing selected to distribute over") if 1 - abs(stop - start) < TOL: trimmed = False else: trimmed = True # closed edge or wire parameters params_closed = [start + i * (stop - start) / n for i in range(n)] # open or trimmed edge or wire parameters params_open = [ start + i * (stop - start) / (n - 1) if n - 1 > 0 else start for i in range(n) ] locs = [] for el in self._selection: if isinstance(el, (Wire, Edge)): if el.IsClosed() and not trimmed: params = params_closed else: params = params_open if rotate: locs.extend(el.locations(params, planar=True,)) else: locs.extend(Location(v) for v in el.positions(params)) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported selection: {el}") return self.push(locs)
[docs] def push( self: T, locs: Iterable[Union[Location, Point]], tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: """ Set current selection to given locations or points. """ self._selection = [ l if isinstance(l, Location) else Location(Vector(l)) for l in locs ] if tag: self._tag(self._selection[:], tag) return self
[docs] def each( self: T, callback: Callable[[Location], Union[Face, "Sketch", Compound]], mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None, ignore_selection: bool = False, ) -> T: """ Apply a callback on all applicable entities. """ res: List[Face] = [] locs: List[Location] = [] if self._selection and not ignore_selection: for el in self._selection: if isinstance(el, Location): loc = el else: loc = Location(el.Center()) locs.append(loc) else: locs.append(Location()) for loc in locs: tmp = callback(loc) if isinstance(tmp, Sketch): res.extend(tmp._faces.Faces()) elif isinstance(tmp, Compound): res.extend(tmp.Faces()) else: res.append(tmp) if tag: self._tag(res, tag) if mode == "a": self._faces = self._faces.fuse(*res) elif mode == "s": self._faces = self._faces.cut(*res) elif mode == "i": self._faces = self._faces.intersect(*res) elif mode == "c": if not tag: raise ValueError("No tag specified - the geometry will be unreachable") else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode: {mode}") return self
# modifiers
[docs] def hull(self: T, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None) -> T: """ Generate a convex hull from current selection or all objects. """ if self._selection: rv = find_hull(el for el in self._selection if isinstance(el, Edge)) elif self._faces: rv = find_hull(el for el in self._faces.Edges()) elif self._edges or self._wires: rv = find_hull( chain(self._edges, chain.from_iterable(w.Edges() for w in self._wires)) ) else: raise ValueError("No objects available for hull construction") self.face(rv, mode=mode, tag=tag, ignore_selection=bool(self._selection)) return self
[docs] def offset(self: T, d: Real, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None) -> T: """ Offset selected wires or edges. """ rv = (el.offset2D(d) for el in self._selection if isinstance(el, Wire)) for el in chain.from_iterable(rv): self.face(el, mode=mode, tag=tag, ignore_selection=bool(self._selection)) return self
def _matchFacesToVertices(self) -> Dict[Face, List[Vertex]]: rv = {} for f in self._faces.Faces(): f_vertices = f.Vertices() rv[f] = [ v for v in self._selection if isinstance(v, Vertex) and v in f_vertices ] return rv
[docs] def fillet(self: T, d: Real) -> T: """ Add a fillet based on current selection. """ f2v = self._matchFacesToVertices() self._faces = Compound.makeCompound( k.fillet2D(d, v) if v else k for k, v in f2v.items() ) return self
[docs] def chamfer(self: T, d: Real) -> T: """ Add a chamfer based on current selection. """ f2v = self._matchFacesToVertices() self._faces = Compound.makeCompound( k.chamfer2D(d, v) if v else k for k, v in f2v.items() ) return self
[docs] def clean(self: T) -> T: """ Remove internal wires. """ self._faces = self._faces.clean() return self
# selection def _unique(self: T, vals: List[SketchVal]) -> List[SketchVal]: tmp = {hash(v): v for v in vals} return list(tmp.values()) def _select( self: T, s: Optional[Union[str, Selector]], kind: Literal["Faces", "Wires", "Edges", "Vertices"], tag: Optional[str] = None, ) -> T: rv = [] if tag: for el in self._tags[tag]: rv.extend(getattr(el, kind)()) elif self._selection: for el in self._selection: if not isinstance(el, Location): rv.extend(getattr(el, kind)()) else: rv.extend(getattr(self._faces, kind)()) for el in self._edges: rv.extend(getattr(el, kind)()) if s and isinstance(s, Selector): filtered = s.filter(rv) elif s and isinstance(s, str): filtered = StringSyntaxSelector(s).filter(rv) else: filtered = rv self._selection = self._unique(filtered) return self
[docs] def tag(self: T, tag: str) -> T: """ Tag current selection. """ self._tags[tag] = list(self._selection) return self
[docs] def select(self: T, *tags: str) -> T: """ Select based on tags. """ self._selection = [] for tag in tags: self._selection.extend(self._tags[tag]) return self
[docs] def faces( self: T, s: Optional[Union[str, Selector]] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> T: """ Select faces. """ return self._select(s, "Faces", tag)
[docs] def wires( self: T, s: Optional[Union[str, Selector]] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> T: """ Select wires. """ return self._select(s, "Wires", tag)
[docs] def edges( self: T, s: Optional[Union[str, Selector]] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> T: """ Select edges. """ return self._select(s, "Edges", tag)
[docs] def vertices( self: T, s: Optional[Union[str, Selector]] = None, tag: Optional[str] = None ) -> T: """ Select vertices. """ return self._select(s, "Vertices", tag)
[docs] def reset(self: T) -> T: """ Reset current selection. """ self._selection = [] return self
[docs] def delete(self: T) -> T: """ Delete selected object. """ for obj in self._selection: if isinstance(obj, Face): self._faces.remove(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Wire): self._wires.remove(obj) elif isinstance(obj, Edge): self._edges.remove(obj) self._selection = [] return self
# edge based interface def _startPoint(self) -> Vector: if not self._edges: raise ValueError("No free edges available") e = self._edges[0] return e.startPoint() def _endPoint(self) -> Vector: if not self._edges: raise ValueError("No free edges available") e = self._edges[-1] return e.endPoint()
[docs] def edge( self: T, val: Edge, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False ) -> T: """ Add an edge to the sketch. """ val.forConstruction = forConstruction self._edges.append(val) if tag: self._tag([val], tag) return self
@multimethod def segment( self: T, p1: Point, p2: Point, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False, ) -> T: """ Construct a segment. """ val = Edge.makeLine(Vector(p1), Vector(p2)) return self.edge(val, tag, forConstruction) @segment.register def segment( self: T, p2: Point, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False ) -> T: p1 = self._endPoint() val = Edge.makeLine(p1, Vector(p2)) return self.edge(val, tag, forConstruction)
[docs] @segment.register def segment( self: T, l: Real, a: Real, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False, ) -> T: p1 = self._endPoint() d = Vector(l * cos(radians(a)), l * sin(radians(a))) val = Edge.makeLine(p1, p1 + d) return self.edge(val, tag, forConstruction)
@multimethod def arc( self: T, p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False, ) -> T: """ Construct an arc. """ val = Edge.makeThreePointArc(Vector(p1), Vector(p2), Vector(p3)) return self.edge(val, tag, forConstruction) @arc.register def arc( self: T, p2: Point, p3: Point, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False, ) -> T: p1 = self._endPoint() val = Edge.makeThreePointArc(Vector(p1), Vector(p2), Vector(p3)) return self.edge(val, tag, forConstruction)
[docs] @arc.register def arc( self: T, c: Point, r: Real, a: Real, da: Real, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False, ) -> T: if abs(da) >= 360: val = Edge.makeCircle(r, Vector(c), angle1=a, angle2=a, orientation=da > 0) else: p0 = Vector(c) p1 = p0 + r * Vector(cos(radians(a)), sin(radians(a))) p2 = p0 + r * Vector(cos(radians(a + da / 2)), sin(radians(a + da / 2))) p3 = p0 + r * Vector(cos(radians(a + da)), sin(radians(a + da))) val = Edge.makeThreePointArc(p1, p2, p3) return self.edge(val, tag, forConstruction)
@multimethod def spline( self: T, pts: Iterable[Point], tangents: Optional[Iterable[Point]], periodic: bool, tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False, ) -> T: """ Construct a spline edge. """ val = Edge.makeSpline( [Vector(*p) for p in pts], [Vector(*t) for t in tangents] if tangents else None, periodic, ) return self.edge(val, tag, forConstruction)
[docs] @spline.register def spline( self: T, pts: Iterable[Point], tag: Optional[str] = None, forConstruction: bool = False, ) -> T: return self.spline(pts, None, False, tag, forConstruction)
[docs] def close(self: T, tag: Optional[str] = None) -> T: """ Connect last edge to the first one. """ self.segment(self._endPoint(), self._startPoint(), tag) return self
[docs] def assemble(self: T, mode: Modes = "a", tag: Optional[str] = None) -> T: """ Assemble edges into faces. """ return self.face( (e for e in self._edges if not e.forConstruction), 0, mode, tag )
# constraints @multimethod def constrain(self: T, tag: str, constraint: ConstraintKind, arg: Any) -> T: """ Add a constraint. """ self._constraints.append( Constraint((tag,), (self._tags[tag][0],), constraint, arg) ) return self
[docs] @constrain.register def constrain( self: T, tag1: str, tag2: str, constraint: ConstraintKind, arg: Any ) -> T: self._constraints.append( Constraint( (tag1, tag2), (self._tags[tag1][0], self._tags[tag2][0]), constraint, arg, ) ) return self
[docs] def solve(self: T) -> T: """ Solve current constraints and update edge positions. """ entities = [] # list with all degrees of freedom e2i = {} # mapping from tags to indices of entities geoms = [] # geometry types # fill entities, e2i and geoms for i, (k, v) in enumerate( filter(lambda kv: isinstance(kv[1][0], Edge), self._tags.items()) ): v0 = tcast(Edge, v[0]) # dispatch on geom type if v0.geomType() == "LINE": p1 = v0.startPoint() p2 = v0.endPoint() ent: DOF = (p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) elif v0.geomType() == "CIRCLE": p = v0.arcCenter() p1 = v0.startPoint() - p p2 = v0.endPoint() - p pm = v0.positionAt(0.5) - p a1 = Vector(0, 1).getSignedAngle(p1) a2 = p1.getSignedAngle(p2) a3 = p1.getSignedAngle(pm) if a3 > 0 and a2 < 0: a2 += 2 * pi elif a3 < 0 and a2 > 0: a2 -= 2 * pi radius = v0.radius() ent = (p.x, p.y, radius, a1, a2) else: continue entities.append(ent) e2i[k] = i geoms.append(v0.geomType()) # build the POD constraint list constraints = [] for c in self._constraints: ix = (e2i[c.tags[0]], e2i[c.tags[1]] if len(c.tags) == 2 else None) constraints.append((ix, c.kind, c.param)) # optimize solver = SketchConstraintSolver(entities, constraints, geoms) res, self._solve_status = solver.solve() self._solve_status["x"] = res # translate back the solution - update edges for g, (k, i) in zip(geoms, e2i.items()): el = res[i] # dispatch on geom type if g == "LINE": p1 = Vector(el[0], el[1]) p2 = Vector(el[2], el[3]) e = Edge.makeLine(p1, p2) elif g == "CIRCLE": p1 = Vector(*arc_first(el)) p2 = Vector(*arc_point(el, 0.5)) p3 = Vector(*arc_last(el)) e = Edge.makeThreePointArc(p1, p2, p3) # overwrite the low level object self._tags[k][0].wrapped = e.wrapped return self
# misc
[docs] def copy(self: T) -> T: """ Create a partial copy of the sketch. """ rv = self.__class__() rv._faces = self._faces.copy() return rv
[docs] def moved(self: T, loc: Location) -> T: """ Create a partial copy of the sketch with moved _faces. """ rv = self.__class__() rv._faces = self._faces.moved(loc) return rv
[docs] def located(self: T, loc: Location) -> T: """ Create a partial copy of the sketch with a new location. """ rv = self.__class__(locs=(loc,)) rv._faces = self._faces.copy() return rv
[docs] def finalize(self) -> Any: """ Finish sketch construction and return the parent. """ return self.parent
[docs] def val(self: T) -> SketchVal: """ Return the first selected item or Location(). """ return self._selection[0] if self._selection else Location()
[docs] def vals(self: T) -> List[SketchVal]: """ Return the list of selected items. """ return self._selection